Choosing The Right Hose
Safety & Performance Matter
When it comes to ensuring firefighter safety and optimum performance on the fireground, choosing the right fire hose is essential. While there are universal industry hose specifications, it’s important to consider your department’s size and workload (are you fighting two blazes a month or two a day?) and environmental and working conditions (high rise fires or forest fires?) in order to select the best hose to meet your exact needs.

The Checklist
Choose Certified Hose
Fire hose should meet these industry requirements:
- NFPA 1961 Standard on Fire Hose
- NFPA 1962 Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Testing of Fire Hose
- NFPA 1963 Standard for Fire Hose Connections
- A certified hose manufacturer i.e. ISO Certified
Match Hose Performance Ratings To Your Exact User Requirements
- Operating pressure
- Supply or attack rating
- Friction loss
- Flow data
- ID of fire hose
- True diameter
- Hose weight
- Kinking properties
- Abrasion resistance properties
- Heat and/or burn-through resistance properties
- Coating and colors per NFPA 1901
Choose a Reputable Manufacturer
The hoses should be made from the highest quality material and undergo the most strict quality assurance testing process.
Ask About Hose Service Tracking
It is critical to maintain tracking and service test records for hoses to ensure safety in the field.
Insist on Quality Guarantee
Do your homework. Make sure the hose is backed by a warranty guarantee and check customer service ratings.
Insist On Quality Couplings
The hose manufacturer should use a quality coupling manufacturer. The hose manufacturer should couple and proof test every length and provide certification.
Take an Evaluation Test Drive
Before purchasing, or at the time of bid, request whole length samples for evaluation to inspect quality, markings and performance of the fire hose proposed for your department.
Our Quality Policy
Snap-tite Hose is committed to total quality, defect prevention and never-ending improvement.